User of this site agrees to keep secret information given to them by the Company Cycleco through the use of the website Cycleit Automotive for the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of spare bodywork and refrain to operate all or part of such information without the express consent of the company Cycleco.

For information transmitted through the use of the website Cycleit Automotive, is to mean any data, know-how, text, illustrations and all information on technical, scientific, industrial, economic, artistic, or commercial and all components of Life Cycle Analysis as developed by the company Cycleco.(Written below « INFORMATIONS »)

Do not include information subject to confidentiality:

-           environmental data national or international public or private - free of copyright;

-           Report generated automatically own the User.

The data transmitted by (the) owner (s) databases, including the identification and transmission are framed by the agreements made directly between the company and the owner Cycleco data regardless of location, are subject to confidentiality with respect others and freely usable by (the) owner (s) of data.

The User agrees to keep secret from all, all INFORMATIONS given to them by society Cycleco and not disclose to any third party.

Accordingly, the User:

  1. agrees not to disclose INFORMATIONS only to responsible employees bound by professional secrecy and directly involved in the analysis stages,
  2. agrees not to disclose the INFORMATIONS in whole or in part in any form whatsoever to third parties without the prior written consent of the company Cycleco,
  3. agrees to take all necessary measures to respect the confidentiality of INFORMATIONS,

He undertakes to submit INFORMATIONS to the same process of preservation and protection as its own confidential documents and information in order to prevent any publication and / or disclosure and / or unauthorized use of INFORMATIONS.

  1. is surety for compliance with this agreement by the members of its staff, its parent companies, subsidiaries and sisters.

This privacy statement applies to the user as it has been identified on the site, and also to any servant.

  1. agrees not to copy or allow to copy all or part of the Information, without prior written consent of the company Cycleco,

The User acknowledges that the receipt of the INFORMATIONS society Cycleco imply any license or assignment of any intellectual property right.

The User acknowledges that all INFORMATIONS submitted will remain the exclusive property of the Company Cycleco.

The User agrees not to use the INFORMATIONS without the express consent of the company Cycleco, which will take the form of a written agreement for development.

The User agrees and irrevocably all development projects or reproducing based tool for the application of Life Cycle Analysis developed by the company including Cycleco available on the website Cycleit Automotive, any infringement by reproduction and / or representation and / or adapt all or part of the tool implementing the analysis stages developed by the company including Cycleco accessible on the websiteCycleit Automotive, and / or act of unfair competition committed, directly or indirectly by it and / or any entity (companies in particular mothers, sisters, subsidiaries, etc..) directly or indirectly, in fact or in law position position of control or be controlled by the user, either alone or in concert, without the express prior consent of the company Cycleco.

As an exception to the above, are not subject to confidentiality the information provided by Users via the website and seized on it to the needs of the service.